Development Blog - Page 2

More Dog Blocker 3D Drawings - December 11th, 2013

Dog Blocker 3D prototypeMore 3D drawings received from designers. A 3D printer prototype is being built for testing before the final manufacturing begins.

Dog Blocker 3D Drawings - November 25th, 2013

Dog Blocker 3D prototypeReceived several 3D drawings back from designers and they're looking really nice! Here's a couple different samples of enclosure designs I'm considering. The next step is selecting the final design and then getting a protype created with a 3D printer. This puts us on a timeframe for an early 2014 launch date.

Dog Blocker Enclosure Drawing - November 15th, 2013

Dog Blocker prototype sketchA little over a year since Dog Blocker first started. It's been a great experience going through the procees of developing and bringing a product to market. The enclosure was tweaked to a more production-ready design and sent out to have 3D drawings created. Next, a pre-production model will be created with a 3D printer so everything can be tested before injection mold tooling.

Another Dog Blocker PCB Revision - September 23rd, 2013

Dog Blocker PCBv0.93b reduces the component count by two and adjusts the spacing to allow for easier manual soldering. Preliminary investigation is being done on using a higher voltage to increase the alarm volume. Manufacturers are being identified to assist in the production of the case, the final remaining item before going to market.

Dog Blocker Surface Mount PCB Prototype - August 2nd, 2013

Dog Blocker PCB prototypeWhile it's been a while without updates, good progress is being made. Equipment needed for production was purchased and testing continues. Surface mount PCB v0.92a has fixed some early issues and appears to be production-ready at this point. The first surface mount production sample is up and running meeting all design specs.
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